Global Shipping Services


Global Shipping Services

Global Shipping Services establishes regular links with potential importers and exporters who trust GSS to plan shipment of their cargo to reach the final destination. Well experienced individuals from the shipping department are always ready to assist owners/charterers of a vessel to minimize expenses. GSS makes things easier by providing and assisting on administrative formalities of crew changing, spare parts delivery to ship, hotel booking, ship handling, laundry, refueling and immigration paperwork. Containerized shipping lines highly appreciate GSS's excellent way of handling containers in and out of Djibouti. Tracking down containers assumed lost became the easiest task for GSS. The professional way of working with liner and feeder vessels to expedite cargo to destination is one of the easiest specialties of GSS. Concerning transshipment of containers, GSS handles feeder services in the region subject to inducement. The responsibility of GSS to the agency of any kind of the shipping lines has been successful through many years.

TEL: +253 21 34 20 30